Thursday, 27 June 2013

Trying to Understand the Subjective and Objective with Magical Thinking

Objectively trees only speak to trees
Subjectively I can speak to the trees
how do I pick up on this info leak?
well its all in my mind speaks this one man

To share our thoughts with nature would be grand
To become one with nature thats the plan
To shape my own trip with a loving hand
to guide man and woman back to the start.

It is a matter of faith I suppose
I am not nature that is grandiose
Objectively this hatter feels for trees
but what I got from them is subjective.

Ask a question, sense its beauty, and feel.
Peel back these layers of unwillingness.

You capture the world.
The picture in your mind is
your truth we now see.

This world within we paint internally.
This world outside we so try to describe
our view of it but not to taint our truth.
We wish to share truth and see through a lie.

But what is truth can it be objective?
Is there a final form of this truth boss?
Shall man be able to combine our thoughts
or would this be a loss to the ego?

As much as we try can we reach the fifth.
We tumble in time yet the fifth is true.
We can't touch the fifth but we can believe.
In death we shall unite our minds of mime.

Look hard and well for your truth within and,
tell the world for we need to understand.

Perhaps these 5 dimensions are tangled together. Wibbling and wobbling around. Not distinct lines or planes but tied together. All we have to do is follow our string to the spiritual 5th dimension

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