Thursday, 20 June 2013

More Poetry

An Anime North Sonnet Sorta.

I'm glad I gave you such an awesome end.
So now I will write a sonnet for you
it is an English sonnet be not mad.
How will I make Anime North more fun?

Well sonnets you see that is what I love.
To dress up and cosplay can be quite fun.
As long as one has friends to share the fee
For the price is steep I wish it is less.

The rave is free and cat ears are so cheap.
Though some need them more then others shall show.
I gave mine away, but maybe wrongly
I feel low as it should have gone to you.

Yes you the anonymous vid reader
Or perhaps the mystical rave leader.

A Sonnet for James Gondolfini R.I.P

Good night sweet prince of extortion and bribes
James Gondolfini you so shall be missed
Your acting was always neat and tidy.
Much like the kills and maims you so called for.

The family will miss you very much
The one in reality so much more
then the one on TV; the kiss shows now.
That pure final parting Soprano lore.

The curtain finally draws on his life.
Who shall you become now sweet acting prince?
The law of nature cannot be broken
unlike the stints of the law you performed.

Rest in peace good and noble acting man.
Your real family loves you as they should.

A Sonnet for the Sun Callers

To call the sun is a mighty hard task
How can one move the light of our small lives?
Yet there are those so tall in nature now
That might call the sun behind the dark cloud

To ask light to shine upon our true face
To call upon to warm our needy crops
There are those who can lace fate to move light
The sun shall shine upon our torn up land

We ask the Druids who can to cast now
for we need the real sun more then ever.
Rise up and be seen man of green nature
kiss us with a warm much needed light meal.

To the sun callers we ask for this now
Show us power and we will give a cow.

 A poem to call the sun

To call the sun from behind clouds so dark. To be seen under such a warm caressing heart. The heart of the sun so warm and pure. Light of my life; caster away of the dark. Sun callers we pray and we keep faith. The sun needs to shine or we will all be in the dark. The dark does not nourish our crop. Without our food our livestock will drop. Keepers of the the sun's pure warmth come to us and call us from shadow. We need your light, keepers of the sun. We need you now, as does your sons. The daughters of Ireland weep in  the dark, as the sun moves across our cloudy skies. Shadows will never feed our crop, all we ask is that you come for us. Call us the sun and move the clouds from the sky; feed us now or watch us die.

Owing your lifestyle

Living with a metastable lifestyle
Question why one would want stability
Giving only order into chaos
Much like a sonnet should speak to your soul

Ten syllabils are keeping me from sleep
What causes you to stay awake this night?
It piles on heaping ever more this night
dust and ash fake their way into my dreams

I now seem to be rambling slowly
As I craft this word, as I make this now
The dead are shambling now towards us
As this one nerd makes jokes upon himself

I guess what I'm trying to say to you
is that you should be lying in your bed.

Some to the point Haiku

Internet you suck.
Why make what we were born with?
Open your last eye.

Max fissure the great
He is a man among men
Happy birthday friend

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