Sunday, 30 June 2013

A Spiritual Raver's Passage Through Pride.

Donning my coat of tastictacular colours I leave the train and head towards Pride. As I am walking towards I meet a group of Christians, true followers of Christ, the Christ that is in their hearts allows them to talk to their God. Interesting bunch I was talking to Patrica and she opened up with trying to give me a bible. She was with another person called the demon purger, and I tried to strike up a conversation with her first. So I start to question them on their faith, well that was the wrong idea she was freaked out and started calling me out on my demonic thoughts. As they were not thoughts that came from the bible, all other thoughts couldn't be accounted for and thus may come from Satan. 

Well Patrica saved me from her and we then had a pretty neat discussion about Christ. Basically their faith was one of paranoia, as they were scared of all other thoughts cause they may have come from the Devil. She said that if we accept Jesus into our hearts that we would then be able to understand God. Well that's funny cause talking to God is pretty easy once you get the hang of it, and I haven’t really accepted Jesus as the son of God. Sure he was a cool guy, but really he died to show you sin. I think it would be cooler to die to show you love... but you know that guy will show himself when he is ready.

Annnway she was talking about the heart. So that got me thinking about the fifth dimension, the spiritual plane, and how parts of the heart could possibly reside there. She then talked about the three levels of heaven, as possible theory aswell as this dimension theory i was talking about. Then I won the conversation by asking "If God is our father, who is our mother" She laughed as guessed the holy spirit. It was good time and I left to find more adventure.

As I was walk through the streets I eventually find a group called VERY interesting people. Buddhist in belief but very open to all different faiths. Me and Brenden talk for a while sharing ideas, and i tell him about what I have just learned about the levels of heaven. How Jesus needs to be in your hear to be saved. We also talk about the Fifth Dimension, and Hindenburg's uncertainty principal. Which states that observing something will change it in some way. So that got me thinking perhaps the reason we can't see this god that is all around us. Is that he is on the sub atomic level. Perhaps the graviton? Well anyway when we try to see this God it moves from where he would have been. Then perhaps this God that we pray to is also effected by the vibes we send out during prayer. Changing and molding our personal God and changing our subjective reality, in which God resides in all of us, but is subjective so we can't truly share this belief until we die. Perhaps then we become our God in death.... and the journey  just begins.

The streets are packed, with grizzly bears and half naked women. I felt I was suffocating in a polyester coat, dress shirt, and bow tie. But what the hell if ravers can wear bikinis in the winter time. I can sure as hell were all of this clothing in the middle of summer. Then out of the blue, and I only assume he used his telekinetic powers of finding people. The Wizardman teleports in and pulls me out of the crowd with his amazing magical powers. Just comes up right behind me and wraps me in a spectacular hug. "What have you been up too?"

"Oh you know just talking to people about their faith and opening minds"
"Have you talked to the Jewish people yet?"
"No, but thank you I will"
"Check out the drum and bass thing after!"

Wizardman then vanishes as quickly as he came upon me. Melding into the crowd of shirtless happy gay people. Now... talking to Jewish people is hard in my experience. I try to ask one what he thinks of jesus being the savior and stuff. He said "I don't really think about it I just am.... and take one of these fliers" I circle around trying to talk to someone else but alas I failed this task.


Ooooo look at all the ravers wooh! Now I don't know any of there names so I will use my creative genius to give them names. There was mini dreads he popped and bopped around the area, holding hands with Rolling Face as they spinned and jumped together. Then there was the all the really attractive lesbians. Pink Dick, Spectacular Glass of Colours, Cute Dot, Shy Shadow, and Mirage. They are jumped around, and danced together suffleing every which way and doing the impossible, you know typical raver stuff. Then BOOM! Out of the nowhere Wizardman comes out of his dimensional rift, pocket dimension, and RAVES THE FUCK OUT!

The who do I find but Mystical French Violin Man from the other day. Its great, and awesome. I can now sit in on a circle hurrah! So we sit down and I am writing some poetry, and an Anon asks for the book and writes down some poetry as well. All of the girls then sit down with us and have a smoke. I lite up an incense and have a good time. Then some Diva comes on and changes the vibe completely no one is dancing anymore. So i leave, as I have a mission to go back to those Christians and tell them what i have learned about Heisenberg's uncertainty principal.

So I ask Patrica if she has ever heard of such a theory. First she say yes, then changes her answer to no, and asks for an explanation. Success! She is pursuing her truth. I then tell her how it might prove the theory of God or at least explain why we can't see him. She says we can't see him cause his radiance is to much for human kind. She then points to their pastor, who seems to be like 25?

I talk to him for a couple minutes, but he is not interested in me. As we are on the same level, and he is looking for a flock. But he passes me off to a very devout young man. He can quote bible passages with veal and vigor and is very interesting. He even says he has been to hell, and that is why he has become more devout. We talk for an hour with no one making any progress on the other. We each have out faith, and are doing what we think God would want. We exchange phone numbers, and say this has not ended. I have a feeling I will meet this man again.

Surrounded again by jiggling flesh i feel comfortable enough to take off my shirt. The cool breeze is so nice, and refreshing. I head back to the and get the contact info from Brendon. Then I'm back to the drum and bass! Spinning and twirling, jumping and bouncing, holding the ball of energy, whipping my arms around. We all dance together brushing past each other only inches apart. Spectacular Glass of Colours is doing amazing things, and her dance moves are far superior to anyone else here.

Now at this moment I start to feel very high, like mood is elevated, which is a bad thing if you are a beeper. Anyway I sit down and begin to meditate. Loose myself in the vibe while dissociating myself, from my hyper reality. I calm down enough to dance again, but I am soon on my way. 

While I walking I come upon a store right up my ally I got a contact orb, and some glow gloves. I head back to the Bass to try out this new orb. I grasp the orb loosely and move it from hand to hand. Bouncing it off the back of my hand, and changing it to the other. Letting it roll down my hand and into the other. Finally holding as I twirl my fingers to play shapes in the ball's light.

Its a little bit darker and my gloves have turned themselves on in my pocket. Well as soon as i take them out, Little Dreads wants them. He spins his hands around in a chain connecting and finding the groove he wants. Then Little Grass comes over and says if I'm still here around 10 he will teach me some tricks. They slowly close off the area in which we are dancing, and well they said something about being hit by cars? Which is bullshit they want us to put on a show and so more people can see us they want us in the middle of the street. Lets show em what ravers can do!

Little Grass has his poi our and is spinning his balls twirling and whirlling as he creates trails of green around him. I take out my gloves again, and this time SecGoC wants to use them. What the hell can't she do, this amazing rave dancer. Well Wizardman pops in again, and wraps me in a wizard hug. Nodding his chin into my shoulder. =P

So I learn some from her and then a lot more form Little Grass. But it is time to go! I strap on my gloves and walk into the mass of people. Spinning and ducking my way through the crowd, as I practice what I have learned. I shall be the extensional glow artist. Tripping people out visually, and then giving them something to think about. See you around!

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