Friday, 14 June 2013

Book 2 of the uncensored Maui Experience.

Movie List:

Jungle Book
Vanilla Sky

East York Civic
850 Coxwell Ave.
Floor 3.

I was meeting up with must be upped and she was making fried going are in the goes l'chat went off a earth
guess salsa balo just as the blessing  ress sing you is goes but she was a lover and a lemming a big heart she will be missed will keep her words furry bear with me to show me that love can come anywhere anything thank you ellie thank you.

The lizard me mage with  her might built of energy fires into the control pod of me bewilder and finally it begins to sink again we're not dead thats really randy we lost a good team member but I should be able to revive her. Evan came to pay his final respects. 

She was a tiny girl with a big bear and even a bigger heart. Our community will miss her but she is now flying with the clouds with all the angels may she find peace, love and happiness. Twitter is online that is where i will find my lost ellie.

Nick is joining the game he has many healing herbs. I will tell him about my  new bud. Mike is always playing him md Nick get along great. The dream authors awaken from a peaceful sleep. END

Hi I am Ian  high druid of the pine cones you can call me Folic if you wish. The doctors say that mania messes your mind after a while I think it has allowed me to better my understanding of myself.

When Darkness find your heart.
When loneliness is all you can see then
call with all your heart and try to dry 
your tears.

Know that you are special. Know that
you are unique for it takes all kinds
to makes the world collaborate.

When walls fall there is nothing to
keep the trees at bay.
When the trees match for war
all will know which side will fall.
And when they fall we all do.
Love nature love thyself
love others.

Sitting in a she wonder what to do. Ho help me I want I want I want to be out of this place who comes what i do. I must find what I should be. I am open I see I hear I love what love peer Salute love it is what bring be bear.

Dream writing is true after the land of being who we find
I am so huge right now weeee
love sage, nope.
Its so good mmmmh
afternoon artist
sleep sleep.

Erickson - 6 Stages

I can still hear voices when i drift off to sleep "Why don't I get a cookie"
"Look at him" -poke
Her name is Jasmine and she vised on Monday I can use my phone and maraca. Mike told me to stop playing in my herd. Now does this part count as a dream!

I have a dream where I smoked weed again I felt terrible.

Piano Compared to John Haunt and Beethoven.

  1. Playing Piano takes my energy
  2. exercise builds my energy
A shunt; 
-Circle of life

Gye Nyama

When Art becomes your master
when love is dark and cannot be seen.
Then thrive with desire for your own pure knowledge of mind.
Expand and grow your psyche and love yourself like no other.
Be friendly and forgiving and darkness will give way to light.

When you are pure and godly then true love will grow within and you 
shall see the heart. The heart that binds us all as brothers and sisters.
One love will grow and you will see that appreciation is the trump the trump
to all beastly desire.

One heart love one drum beat now lets create this dreamscape. An finally be at peace 



Hawaiian, Picasso, Native, Mechanical, Abstract, Horror Vacui.

I have a dream I was the healer I  would not attack but that made me sad to see the warriors and the paladins out front. Don't smoke weed running from danger for? I was a cool wise crackin teacher who dove the class who one team going with leftist view points with the other when is just one guy got know one. I think i should go back in and make it right i feel bad for him.

Western style in a show 3 people on my team was I was the kid.

Land of dreams 
land of dreams
for what i hear
is what i sing
come and koing 
me in the land 
of dreams.
Eating cucumbers
with lady from
first dream

Horror Vacui

Js dev pave get nw mst gve up if nt thn she is afraid to abandon soothing such as Hally or the pine cone she slowly work your way up of the pine cone then she can get another.

The problem with labels is that the person making them can adapt the definition. I have faith that they wont. Rather they will evolve the definition as the thing changes. You may not be special anymore but you can stay apart of the new neat manic episode why revoke my thought that i can save the world by myself I do not want that to happen else I'll end up being the walls.

Pause it please do it Now!

Stop the drum beat I'm Sleeping!

I talk and talks and share my ways but who`s to say he care to know what i must do to balance my mood. I must be secretive I must be alone except for those who find me. But i want to be green I need to talk I want to balance but I need to share. So to hell with those who do not know if a question is asked I will share if not I will glow my thoughts till I am green.

Moon Spirit

You are my moon. I see your stages
I feel your shine the dark and light; please be mine.
You are the moon I cannot own you
but I can wish within my heart that we will not be apart

The Distance of Apart

When she tries too be all there was
as he forces her to be; she breaks!.
He yells to her to fake! She resists and they make...
The life of love
The life above
He holds her dear to ease the fear She smiles
and makes him tear.
The tear of joy
The tear of troy!
The love that was lost and still is tossed,
to begin anew together a-glued. He seeks
to better with the help from them the
difference and distance he will learn to hem.

The Robots

I am a robot
BEEP! Where is the love
BOOP! I can still care
BEEP! Can you see my heart?
BOOP! I still don't want to be apart.
We are robots.

The Valued Race

One will win
One will singe
Many to look but,
Two'll be hooked.
Less is mored, when value
is whored.

Time To Go

Two families at odds and the gamble taken but still this
love cannot be shaken.
The distance stretched the difference etched...
In stone it is marked by above till finally the lard sings to
the dove.

We and Other

When we will see one will hide
When he looks;
She will seek.
They are they and we be we.
Together but different weird yet the same.

Kassandra and Van.

She kept me alive while I was standing on that bridge.
If were to jump I would have broken my promise.
He kept me alive by showing me we all have room to grow.
They show me that to be who I am is not what other think
but what comes from within will makes others think.

Bye Grandma.

With so much light its hard to see the dark. Although the grasp of darkness
has it talented hand clenched tight around our jugular. We are family
our love keeps the cold winds of pathetic abandon at these
loving doors.

When I'm falling asleep i hear people asking me questions.
"Why am i here"
"What are we doing"
This happened once and stopped when I begin to write.

Frog and prince

I must manic episode i was drinking and smoking in mess with my music I am drugged in my ease.

God is a mountain we all must climb our own way.

Three Kinds of Energy

There are three kinds of energy gets to live his
Blue Energy: Which is the energy of the mind which can grow using poetry or art.
Red Energy: Which is energy of music and dance
Green Energy: Which is the energy of the global conscience or of nature. All slowly deplete over time at least in my use and they need to be increased by performing the ritual of what the energy relates to.

When i sleep a full night i restore my energies and can spend them on things I like.

My green is red now i must red to spend and grow to find in my mind the glow that brings humanity under the druids care.

Some things in nature are pure something in nature are sully somethings in nature are in nature while others are nature.

When they cant stop asking wheres Ian I will cry sleeping sorry.

I was the observer of a train western I guess the main character was a bumbling idiot. Who finally get to live his dreams and catches the bad guy and drives the train.

The poet becomes all that is; he sees and this shapes his work.
The artist finds his muse, his performer, his lifeblood. Without this he is nothing
But I am a performer I am what I make myself I love and fuck
Tear and mend for without destruction there can be no creation:
God destroys so that he can make he makes to fill the loneliness
the dark ever growing pit of despair. But fear creator and also rejoice for humanity is wakening it is growing it is becoming itself not as a people of love or hate but a people together a people finally coming into light a people finally leaving the cave that holds our eyes in darkness in jealousy and in despair we are people, and you are God.

Young love of the shear terror the massive understanding of all there is but what do we know for we were young and in love.

When life is fun and full of sun
Then look for the drummer and share
his drum...

She vanished like ghosts of past gone into the day then back again.
A fairy to see and see is gone what more to do then troll away.

When tribes war and trolls care then look to the moon and share its stare for we are coming the trolls and elves the fairies; folk of the woods to lift this sick world above the gaze of the marching man.

Music and dance. Fire and water opposite yet chemically similar. Once in taken once performed in stages it grows flows and is taken for it is here and we are now!

CamH has be a wonderful experience. Rich with emotion and prophesy. Poetry and art. Music and dance. I have made friends helped fellow wizards and was helped by one too. Nathan was a teacher who taught from afar. I am more of a performer and it comes to me when it does. I learned about plants, piano, artwork. The game to get laid.

It was a well rounded and experience. I am pretty scared of the next manic episode. They say it has a 80% chance of reoccurring... So i guess I'm going all the way into the cosmic journey. I hope these books bring memories and a fire to keep warm by for i don't know if I will always be lucid i Shall try to live a pure life but will it be enough...

Yes I can balance myself i know how to  i have figured it out I shall become a great artist.

Love is still with me i am wise and intelligent Artistic, prophetic, and musical. I can feel energies see vibes.I can shape a vice with my music.

I am Ian Kretz
I am Ian Kretz
I am Ian Kretz

This has been quite the journey and quite the experience. I hope i only have to come back here as a volunteer. But I hope that i do not become a raving lunatic I can control myself. I will balance my energies find my community and grow my friendships.

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