Tuesday, 25 June 2013

A discussion between wizards; A look at the creation of gods, the pursuite of truth, and our subjective feelings of trees.

Next year you must attend
I got back and saw your posts about druidic drumming and just smiled
So the Om goddess is nature herself?
danu and such
guess its just something i should experience
like all great things
its hard to explain, without just rambling on or giving me anxiety that i'm bragging about it etc
but its just a really great place that i know you'd appreciate for many many reasons
the photographs i got this year are much better / tell a better story
so i'll link you when i post them
Though i'm a pretty easy going guy when wrapping my head around spiritual deities formed from common beliefs and good vibes
shared beliefs are a powerful thing when wrapped in music made to trip you out and then amplified by acid
and other psychotics
some have said that psychedelic culture / music festivals can be defined as a religion
or atleast a spirituality... now if someone writes a book about it
there has been
there's some videos too
trying to remember the name
does a religion necessarily have to have a divine being as it's centre
there is usually something such as the holy spirit, chi, mana, and some kind of leader
Buddha, Jesus, Mohamed
i guess the psychedelic culture one sort of surrounds the ideas of "energy" and "Vibes"
like, having a negative energy
or the realness of the hallucinations
that perception is reality
hell i've talk to animals
thats why i call myself a druid
and trees and pinecones
doctors call it psychosis i call it magic of my imagination
Take my pinecone neal for instance
i gave him a name called wulfgar, and well he really liked it and such
anyway i was throwing him around bouncing him off my hands and i damaged him a bit
so i asked him are you defined by what you look like or how you think
long story short he releaized what it meant to be alive, apart yet distinct from nature around him
and he gave himself a new name
long story short i was tripping out a pinecone extensionally
while learning more about myself
as the pinecone is part of me
as we are both part of nature
Sigmund Freud believed that magical thinking was produced by cognitive developmental factors. He described practitioners of magic as projecting their mental states onto the world around them, similar to a common phase in child development
i project my mental state of wanting a more connected world with nature
thus i make it
so i suppose i feel lonely
Yes, but it also says it's a causal fallacy
which is normal getting out of a long term relationship
which a cause is incorrectly identified.
what does it mean by that
so something has lost a defination?
it means, there's a disconnection
like trying to decipher where the rain drops will fall
its just random
there's no reason for it
but then someone says
I know where they will fall. Because of my magical thinking!
And it's like no bro, thats a causal fallacy
well I suppose a physicist could
but i mean he cant just know
hes gotta do his magic number stuff
they'd probably be holding to a theory
and practising it
Ah so i should make a theory and test it
yes, such as
can a pinecone give itself a name that a human can understand or interpret
or is it a causal fallacy between your thoughts and feelings that relates to the magical thinking attributed to the pinecone
we as human beings have an innate connection to all forms of life. Either through dialog or reading facial cues. Humans can also pick up on vibes from trees and other animals then translate them into words
can you define vibes?
of a non-expressive type
so, like this?
An emotional state or reaction.
The emotional side of someone's character; emotional responses or tendencies to respond.
we as human beings have an innate connection to all forms of life. Either through dialog or reading facial cues. Humans can also pick up on emotional states or reactions from trees and other animals then translate them into words
Trees do not have emotions
no they have vibes
But I thought vibes were feelings
unless feelings are uniquely human and can be read easier
Vibes is an undefinable expression attributed to things that have no physical space in reality
It is YOUR feeling
Not the trees.
My feeling for the tree yes
Yes, so it's not the tree having an emotional reaction. It is your emotional reaction, to witnessing the tree.
Therefore, no. Humans do not pick up on the emotional reactions of trees. They pick up on their own - and translate it into words.
yes and a shaper of nature i can then act on said feeling
So the tree is communicating nothing.
It is merely existing
other then being itself
its kinda like an echo
It is purely your reaction to it, that is causing it to have a name. It has no name, or ability to communicate a name to you.
Yes then i either spread such name to other humans or let the tree have a more free perception to all of humanity
thus getting more thoughts on said tree
well all the thoughts have been added up with some equation then perhaps we have the feeling of said tree
or the collective human perspective of said tree
or small group how ever many people you can get
then dealing in perspective is reality it falls into place
still one person has the start such thinking
and we dont have to go tree by tree
we can do forest
until such point where say dolphins say they are individuals and can make their own perspective.
then we start all over
around and around
just like our beautiful earth
slowly waiting for all life to gain perspective and want to share it
There's nothing wrong with giving a tree a name. What turns people off is saying the Tree was the one who decided it, or communicated it to you.
true unless you are trying to get attention for said unknown cause
waiting for people to come with an actual argument
i enjoy your logic wizard
Yes, but what use is attention for attention's sake
What are you being compensated?
Often, those who want attention for attention's sake are doing it for some kind of gain. Like Paris Hilton, for money.
I suppose it strengthens my faith. Paris has faith in herself. I have faith in nature
so the question i should ask people
is what do you think that tree feels?
most would say nothing
which is true
its a tree it doesn;t give a shit
Heh, I would ask you what your definition of "feel' is
Only then could I make a proper answer
perhaps sense is a better word
A faculty by which the body perceives an external stimulus; one of the faculties of sight, smell, hearing, taste, and touch.
sense then analyses of said tree
so one could say that tree has spray paint on it
that is not its normal state
someone did that to the tree
to make his mark
who would care more the tree or the human?
the human
we rip up the rain forest
the trees life is threatened who would care more?
the trees
and the humans
thus we do both
try to protect it and kill it
Though perhaps then when faith comes into play
and trees always care more then humans
human are self loathing self destructive hurtful beings who sometimes fuck and love when they want to. Trees just live and care for what they do. I would say a tree is more noble then a human. Much more useful then average human, and closer to the divine by just being a tree
so yeah you can feel what a tree feels by using your senses on said tree and then analyzing your feelings. If you do this collectively you can bring it from the subjective to the objective
One perception isn't reality collective perception is

So can perception be shared and then formulated in some equation?
to give one perception
No, but perception being non-communicable in some respects does not change reality in any way whatsoever
such as music
I can't communicate what my red looks like compared to your blue, so maybe they look the same to us, but that has zero bearing on reality
hmm well the conversation i was having with craig was can a tree have feelings?
can we sense the trees feelings
can communcaite and share it
almost certainly they cannot have feelings
its my feelings for said tree
and you have a feeling for the tree
and no, we cannot use any sort of magic emotion-sensing
you can feel things about a rock
but that's all in your head
the rock has no involvement in that
and different people will tell you different things
yes but what if i want to pull something out of the subjective to the objective
doesn't work that way
subjective things aren't objective by definition
and can't be
that's the very meaning of that concept
oh i see
so my feeling is subjective
and your feeling of the tree is subjective
whether or not the tree has a nervous system is 100% objective
well what happens when we pool our thoughts on said tree
with who
like share our thoughts
and why does a bunch of people agreeing prove anything
just a circle jerk...
if a million people say that Thunderstruck is a good song
and I'm sure they do
that doesn't make that any less subjective
I'm sure a million people think it's terrible
so what we are left with is collectively it is average
it doesn't work that way
you can't just average them like they're numbers
because there
is no right answer
the idea of a right answer doesn't even make sense in that context
but what if we are making a song
you're making a subjective thing
go ahead
almost impossible
but don't pretend it's objectively anything
so what i feel subjectively is correct for me
yes, but don't get it mixed up with facts
unless im thinking in some form of fallacy
your opinions aren't automatically right because you feel them
keep that in mind
you have the right to feel however you want, but that does not mean it's real or correct
at one point in my life I had vivid hallucinations, auditory and mental
I thought my neighbors could hear my thoughts
and even though I believed it will all my heart
and I acted on the "knowledge" that it was true
and 100% was certain of it
it was false
and it when I believed it, it wasn't true
the only thing that was ever true was that "I believed that they could hear my thoughts"
my problem is slightly different i believe i can talk to trees and other forms of nature as i think of them as part of me being a creature in nature. So when i talk to a tree im just talking to myself.
and hey that's fine
you may believe whatever you wish
for whatever reasons you want
but then i start to feel for the trees that are all messed up by humans
and I don't *know* for a fact that you're wrong either
but I don't believe you
so i ask myself how can i objectively feel for a tree
feelings aren't objective
but I mean
senses are though
it's objectively true THAT you are feeling them
do you understand the distinction I am making?
and you can analyses senses
kinda not really in an objective way but we're working on it yeah
Yes i can feel that is objective but the feelings are subjective
such is the way of the world
so even if we had a database for every song or forest with everyones feelings for said thing on it. This still doesn't make perception reality?
no, absolutely not
okay look
what if some
alien life form came here
would they agree?
almost certainly not
they might not even
be made of solid matter
they could be like
or communicate in our way of thinking
gaseous silicon who communicate through heat waves
so no
everyone agreeing doesn't make something objective
even if everyone, ever, forever agreed

2 hours ago
well they are growing does that count as moving?
so perhaps if they grow their roots in a direction they can move

Red for connections that should and should not be made..
Your making a distinction between the choice of movement and not, well actually the aware choice.
And im talking about mathematical movement like a ball falling down the stairs
but as a side notes, trees do move towards light, roots to water.
But if the life of a trr was lets say 5 min
and you where standing ontop
what would happen?
The black oak poisons the ground around it, only when other trees are around. Some plants only produce toxins when certain beetles are on them
how bout this for revolutionary nature paradime shift. Prairie dogs talk.
and not only that, they have words for things like circle
Wow that's so cool. These little guys can say so much with one chirp
So trees in away communicate with chemicals
When we cut grass the smell is the a chemical it releases to attract bugs that would eat bugs that eat grass. Unfortunately what they get is a giant metal death machine

the difference is that trees dont have choice as far as we know
not really
well if your an absolutist neither do you
But im not one so its a moot point
lol, well an absolutist view only applies when all info is known. Its possible that both a "soul" and science come together possibly we are 5d beings thinking on a 4d scale
whats the 4d?
4th is one d of time
5th is physical
where the science of whatever the soul is exist
but we could exist in all 5 without knowing, only seeing the 3 and falling through the 4th
and 5 just is
so a 5th d being would see in 4th
nooo not really not see
because d's dont have to be space
it could be time
direction of time
and whatever we dont know about
so maybe even choice
like think of time as a D that you have no sight of and cant really feel but its an river always running in one direction
you sit still it moves in one direction pretty consistently but
it can get really funky
the 5th we have no idea bout
but what im saying is
all these things or allot of them, like the heart being the organ of love, and hate. Or the soul, or ghosts, or mind reading.
I'm saying there is a God he lives in the 5d and he can predict movement in the 4d with an equation as we would predict movement in 2d or 3d
Can happen with science, if we actually occupy 5D at all time and simply do not know it. What if you have organs that only exist in that 5th d
how would you ever know
or even just what if the brain and heart are partially in that D
or the Jungian theory of global unconsciousness
yea thats easy to explain with this extra "plane"
So i think even in absolutist views there is a difference between Choices A the ones made by trees as result of programming and Choices B ones of free will
see you dont have to be smart to have free will
So perhaps the shared mind is part of the 5d thus the subjective become objective at least in 5d?
as we could know for sure what is truth
truth for that one person's perspective then when added up we have a collective human perspective of say a tree. Thus we have the humans collective thoughts and feelings of said tree
Perhaps going back to perspective is reality and only knowing our persecptive it would be safe to assume that this tree now has these feelings and thoughts attached to it. Until the point where it can form its own perspective
Yes exactly! Fucking right. It could mean there IS truth. not simply a collection of senses generating a perceived truth.
well morso
that some of it is truth, and that truth is definable
some of it is simply the perceived truth.
So right now you cant know if that tree thinks really its assumed no, philosophically you can argue yes but practically and logically
you assume no
Once we learn of this 5th d.
well what if what i make up in my head is the truth
of said tree
it could mean we define what choice really is, it could mean we have some sort of unique ness to us Ie the soul or it could be that choice is nothing but a computer on the other end of a wire we cant see
and there is multiple truths
Absolute and objective
so while physicists try to unite the theories we should unite the truths
but the only way we could do this is if we know the certain the person is speaking the truth of his or her perspective
the issue is we cant figure out which of our theorys about truth are ""true"" until we come to a conclusion on our idea of truth
So for me, what they say is never what they mean.
Joseph Chu makes a good point You should look into Dark Matter and Dark Energy, because they are the invisible stuff that makes up most of the universe.
I say people on Acid or mushrooms have come to know their truth
I always look for why they said it and want they want not what they said.So not what the exprienced but as close to what actually happened as possible.
I assume most people dont intend to lie
they just know no better
blame not the young for they know not what they do
young not being only your age
Yes, and the assumption being we are all young
Just to different degrees
So i may be older for i have walked this path and it ages me, others have other knowledge that i do not attain from my path but does not age them
I also believe that one of the things i attain from this path is a sort of higher awareness of self
so i need to be accountable to myself for my actions
but they are in no means, for the most part accountable to me
I also have some views about death
that are different
i don't think your the real you until you die
before that your just the process that grows you
i like that
thus we are all young until we die
its an active birth
then we have officially become who we are
and have no will to change it
i think we can change it
death is only the beginning
or rather
we combine with others whom we like
and share interests and that changes us
true but the who we are of this world at least
as we slowly become one
this world being the subjective world
the only truth we can know is the truth we make
Yes sir, youtube alan watts
hours of his stuff
yeah i have
are amazing
yea your just talking allot like him
like i keep being reminded of him
a spiritual entertainer as he calls himself
my fav point he made i don't know what video. but he had just left the city for a few months in the forest
and he talks about how nature, wiggles.
its always moving
and we
build solid straight lines
squares and such.
not always
gird and triangles and still shapes but all of nature is moving together they giddier they fidget.
just recently as its more efficient
Exactly, we got caught up in it and it took over our mind its how we think how we build, code, balance
but nature, she just jitters all the time never forgetting to move somewhere
but that implies that she is thinking about it, it nature is not thinking about doing this she just is
Nature is the only thing that doesn't die in this constant cycle of death she keeps us in
well that i would disagree with
you NEED to read the sandmand series
its comics
get it in paper back or on your phone
but the paperbacks are worth it. give it the first 4 comics
it focuses on gods
and what they are
and what happens when people stop thinking about gods
or giving to them
And then 8 characters called the endless
these are things that exist personified only in the subjective reality but they have force none the less
when people start[stop] thinking of gods the lose their power and eventually fall to mortality if they were an animal or a river or blink away from existence
Gods can be created through collective thoughts in a common belief and "vibes"
such as the Om goddess

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