Thursday, 3 October 2013

Alas poor hope of a wonderful morn. The shinning sensation of the sun peaking through the desperate words of a mad man. Made from himself and the dreams of others. Made from what he seeks in other people, the truth, love, compassion, hope, kindness. Grown strong as a tree thosands of years old. Growing strong and true. The compassion of two. Love that has been seen for years but changes from person to person

Boom! passion of passion that wonder lust for the future. So many possibility and yet that is what we all seek the truth of ourselves and what we want others to see. What we want to show ourselves in this reality of only one. This dream that only one exists and that is why i only do what i do for myself i would not want to harm myself and i only want to help myself. So many times asked "do you wish harm on others!" there is no other is there only me and how i view myself in different ways beyond my comprehension.

What happens when I assume to much of myself when i ask for more then I am willing to give? Well i being to fear what has happened and what will be for my future. I begin to question and i wait for the patience on what happens. Something must be observed first that is the may concern with me. The unknowing if something has been observed Since when it has been observed then only it can be effected.

Unless this rainbow process is true that i can effect without been seen or sensed in a typical. This kind of process that goes down to the core of humanity and changes the will of life. Once fragile made strong by myself and that i wish others to view this too but its to beautiful for anything to be really practicable people need to be able to talk about it.

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