As I leave my white truck there seems to be a group of 3 people chillin by the light post. I see A-star Phoenix with a group of 2 more people holding these giant floating devices.... If only we had a pool in this venue. Alas it is just a pile of wood on a pile of rocks. The Phoenix rose from the ashes reborn into her name. She enters this most inspiring of venues, and leaves a little mage boy.
"I love your coat!"
"I love your everything!"
"Hey There my good sir, a capturer of moments I see, did you know that Picnous a Arch Wizard of Photography will be spinning tonight?!"
"Woah really he is the reason I got into photography!"
"Cool! hey whats going on over there?"
As we walk towards the car there are all my friends from pride are here! Plus a familiar new face. Anthony Next is sitting on top of the car meditating becoming one with the hardcore that is pouring out of the one speaker. He is becoming hardcore; he is hardcore. He should listen to happier hardcore.
Then as i was thinking that an anthem comes on next and we are all singing and dancing along. Oh what fun times this is, oh this free rave of amazing times. Little Grass, and Mini dreads, Professor Oak are here, Blue Eyes White Dragon comes along a little bit later. Circles are forming all around, people looking for cigarets and other fun stuff.
I take out my orb of scyring and begin to move it from hand to hand. Flipping it over and rolling it across the back of my hand. A new friend approaches Dante Lonely Flame, with specular gloves and hat in tow!
"I don't know anyone here"
"Yeah neither do I" which i suppose now looking back on it is a lie cause i new quite a few people just not there names.... but my names are better anyway.
More dancing to gammer and then the legend before gammer. The hardcore kids are dancing the ground into place. Ya stay where you are ground! The connection between people is very strong here. Helping each other move past hardships in our lives. Helping each other learn a new technique or the names of the procurers. Welp its almost 9pm better line up!
About 40 ravers are lined up to get into the pile of wood on a pile of rocks. This bar is pretty cool, it has a great patio and an amazing dance floor. The security is very friendly and fantastic! The line isn't moving forward but damn sure its moving around. The interconnecting parts that form this worm of a line. The segments moving around in this 3D space. Some people are even kicking themselves into 4D placing themselves in the rave they will soon be at. Anyway the line is moving, but not in the direction we want!
Finally we start to get in, I don't have any money for this amazing bus idea. I bow my apologies and almost run away almost forgetting to get my little smile on my hand. Yay little smile guy!
Picnous is playing his funky beats. They are so funky, so disco, that it summons the ghosts of disco and they start to fuck with him. Well Picnous wont have any of that. He battles the ghosts there must have been 1000000 of them. Casting his magic and sending them back into the place that they came from. Alas the beats suffered. He used all his magic to protect the party that his music turned off. But only for a second and he was able to use his full power and all of the ghosts were sent back to the shadow realm.
Pokemon ninja master raver came up to me and asked me to use my gloves. Only if you answer my questions.... fuck this was a mistake why didn't I practice.
"How do you define love" Rushing like I always do...
"Love is the chemicals in my brain making me experience love"
"But love can also be defined differently for different people."
"Like how the love of a pedophile if different from the love of someone who practicums beastly person"
PNMR's mouth dropped staring in awe that i just said that.... maybe i opened up to strong
"Well I mean love is different for everyone those are some extreme examples"
"The love of an asexual is different from the love of a priest and that is different from the love of anyone else"
Anyway he uses the gloves for a minute and then gives them back.... i never see him again after that... Sorry! I'm so sorry! Pokemon ninja master raver I didn't mean to freak you out. I mean for a long time I had a immature outlook on love, and didn't really grasp its subtleties. Thinking that my description on something is the same description everyone should have.
Well lets put that behind me and never do that again.... except for i guess writing about it, and then sharing it with everyone.... meh
I walk outside and see Picnous and BunnyBoy Sage chatting it up this duo of ravness. We talk a little bit about the construct of the human mind and how thoughts work. How nutrition effects our body and our mood. World of Warcraft you know normal stuff. Then who comes out the one the only The Political Chef master of the skillet and history. A historian of our community and our country, and yet he will play a role in shaping the history of our future.
"I'm sorry for being a pick"
"I'm sorry for being an paranoid asshole"
"You couldn't help it"
"Neither could you"
Then who do I see but Astronaut Girl! We go out into the patio and she introduces me to the mission control on her adventures through her psyche, Vance Stargazer. Always keeping in contact with his adventuring astronaut. Try as he might he can't convince her of the main principal of science. LISTEN TO OTHER PEOPLE! Actually listen and form an opinion on what they say. You don't need proof to make knowledge, but proof trumps assumptions.
Listen to your mission control astronaut girl, but never stop exploring. Meditation/Art/Poetry/Music/Drugs/Hugs are all very different ways to explore ones mind.
Me and Stargazer or should I say Stargazer and I are talking about... one sec let me get out my little book.... Quantum entanglement which is basically two quarks that really love each other and are bound together. They share a conscience and are aware of each other even from long distance... a long distance for a quark is kinda small to us but you know everything in perspective. He says something very interesting.
"We have reached the point where we are observing something more complex then what our bodies can work with. We are operating on a level beyond our DNA"
That's cool I understand that... I've been beyond acid for a couple of months now. Straight edge and with the powers of my mind I just think about raising or lowering my mood. Bi-polar feelings are great, once you get used to them!
I would love to do these drugs again, but I don't like becoming a party monster, or a false prophet, or a paranoid asshole. So I will be happy and hardcore about my thoughts, getting high when I want to feel untold happiness. As well as diving into the sea of depression, finding a lost treasure then rocketing back up into the sky to share what I have found.
Well anyway it was fun talking with you guys... I hope we can carry on this conversation on the internets! I describe why I am not longer Ian Tastic anymore to Backback Beard and I'm off to find PurpleTastic and my crew.
Woah Riffy-Rifken is here, and PurpleTastic! Double bonus of raving pleasure! So we are all standing around: Picnous, Riffy-Rifken, PurpleTastic, BunnyBoy Sage, The Political Chef, and his Tacularness all we are missing are Psyq, Sunny Sunshine pants, Neon Nevering, B-Viking, Neuro, Big Bang and of course The Lost Viking Arch-Mage of the Spears.
Time is running out for me. My powers of phase shifting wont let me stay here for much longer, and I will have to get back home. I light up my incense and the clock beings to tick.
Riffy-Rifkin is talking at me about Morgan Freeman, his drunken hollering is a pleasant reminder of college. Then out of no where comes the Bug Necromancer I think i know this person... I really do... Everyone else seems to know him. I wish we could have talked more I would have been able to talk to my cousin more about biology.
"Are you THE boyfriend?"
"Nah an Ex"
"But he is still a Tastic!"
"Just a lot more Tacular!"
The incense has burned out now, just has HugzNotDrugz is coming on. It is time for me to leave. I give a hug to some people but not everyone I know... that would take to long. But i think that would be cool to do....
Now for some symbolic crazy cosmic shit.
I'm on the QEW and for some reason as I drive closer there seems to be some lights that are not moving... no they are moving just very slowly. A cop with blue and red lights are in the middle and two trucks with yellow lights on them are on either side of this guy. For some reason they decide to slow down everyone that is driving at this early morning hour. As I sit here I begin to wonder.... Am I just slowing people down, as I try to ask them questions. In my pursuit of knowledge not just proof. The red and blue lights are moving horizontally and they remind me of the raving i just left. Am I just slowing down the process of everyone learning for themselves. No wait I'm at the front of this group! I'm in the front of the group of people who ARE being slowed down. They are the ones that are slowing US down! Then the cars speed up and rush away down the highway.... all this knowledge but not proof of anything.
Well after getting lost 3 times... always with the damn number 3... I end up where I always end up, home.
Thank you Ashley, Christian, and Matthew!
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