Saturday, 30 May 2015

The Connection

I know what people think of me

Its so hard sometimes to try and see what I want to be. Some sort of combination of jester and lover wizard and poet. A living memory hat and all colors to mask my true grey soul. I jest i cover i hide and i peak. I pop up and shout at you that i love you, but how can i know? I dont even know you.... well i know that i do.. its not just you for you are not just one person. Like an alchemist breaking down the big and making it small i pear into all your souls looking for what i need. Like some kind of vampire some sort of pet looking for a home....

I know you yet i do not i know what is good for us but i can't act on it to petrified of rejection so mixed up so confused. I don't even know my true self i don't even know my own soul so how am i suppose to find you again oh my beauty i know you i have seen you countless times always different faces different voices different hair and beauty always... i know what i want i know the archtype i know you are there be it alex, kay, steph, megan, james, josie, amanda kassie, emily, elanor, adrien, ashlyn, and a few more your all the same to me but i force myself not to act.... for if i am the one to act then i shall act again and try and sip from all of the cups.

I cannot act i try i smile i try to help but i never get anywhere like a mouse in a maze trying to find the only other living creature in this prison of hope and false promises. I have family i have friends but i dont have connection. I lived with these people for so long yet there is no true connection no lost no found only wandering.

Why is it these people what do they have in common..

It must be the soul the true essence of you my divine i would praise you to the end of our days. For love is holy and its all i need.