You see when life comes to us and it gives us a treasure we must look forward and to the past to find where to put this treasure. Just let the treasure go let it fly into a sphere of colour, magic, and prayer. There are many different spheres: mind and body, time and space, nothing and everything, chaos and order, light and dark, male and female plus that one last level.
Its so much more then that its about knowing its about exploring its about understanding what is around you and what you wish to create. The internal mind allows us to create or destroy anything we wish laws are nothing and can be broken with force of will. To create a peaceful internal world one must be willing to destroy the image of the outer world. Believe in the kindness of others, and in yourself.
Be free of negativity do not let the words of others bother you in your goals for knowledge and understanding let the darkness flow all around you. You are not darkness or light you are beyond that but you can use it to advance yourself through times of troubles. Bleed the darkest blood and find in yourself what is the truth for your origin your lives and experiences.
Here is comes that one little line that pours itself into me: we are always moving closer. So sad it is that this is coming to an end I am almost to my goal. Fly upwards rocket into the future look to the past but never stop going forward. Will we ever get to the goal? Would we want to? Some people have reached the goal, and they stay behind to help others.
This life is a roller coaster unless you live for balance. Don't crash there is nothing more then balance between high and low. The average between high and low to lessen your intensity one must grasp the internal world better. With the strength and love of caring mother or father.
Time doesn't the work the way that you want the world to play. Time is not linear nor is it a circular it is something that humans made up in the external world. It is how we measure a passage of change or a distance. One can see time in the seasons that change and claim that time is ahead. We map the changes in the stars or the planets and derive time. These are all things that our eyes sees but our eyes trick us the light that we see that shows movement is pointed outwards not inwards. The inwards section of our mind is ours it is what connects all humans and perhaps all other living beings. I can see into the eyes of a creature and see life thus life must exist. Eyes can see life, ears hear life, a nose can smell life. The mind is life, and the heart is the base of all emotion. Balance can be found by seeing the world around you and seeing the world inside of you.
When the coming lover find her way into your heart than all the troubles will ceases and love will hold you.
When things seem never to work and never to happen but you just keep going on. Life has a lot of lessons and now all of them are meant for you not all of them need to be done to find balance in life. The kind of balance that shows how the people see and what you find in yourself. It is a state that one can be in, but it can be made easy by understanding love from both external sources and internal sources. Love lets you know your alive!
Just believe in the kindness of other and your negativity will flow out of you. If people scorn you do not fall to negativity accept what they do fight it if you don't like it and move on.
Stand ye calm and resolute,
Like a forest close and mute,
With folded arms and looks which are
Weapons of unvanquished war.
And if then the tyrants dare,
Let them ride among you there,
Slash, and stab, and maim and hew,
What they like, that let them do.
With folded arms and steady eyes,
And little fear, and less surprise
Look upon them as they slay
Till their rage has died away
Then they will return with shame
To the place from which they came,
And the blood thus shed will speak
In hot blushes on their cheek.
Rise like Lions after slumber
In unvanquishable number,
Shake your chains to earth like dew
Which in sleep had fallen on you-
Ye are many — they are few"
-The Mask of Anarchy Percy Bysshe Shelley
Beware the the way of Lion
to slay and to kill the children of old
teeth strong and made from promise
promise of a better world
Nay look to the organic system
the one grown in faith of pure and true
with love now falling when ever due
connection between tyrant and lion
those who rise often forget those who dont
believe. Do not go up or down no find balance!
Love Balance and Kindness there is only three
that you have to choose to be. What is of Balance
is what is on either side of it. This grand rainbow
we grow where colour jumps in with no logic
where word is placed only where it is seen for one
person. This seed to be planted, and has grown
tested with chaos and fear yet we get no lions
no tyrants and destroyers. We get makers.
Ian Tacular
I met a traveller from an antique land
Who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desart. Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed:
And on the pedestal these words appear:
"My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare The lone and level sands stretch far away.
I met a man who met a traveler from an antique land
he said the grandest of all things this man did see.
This man who met the man said the greatest of fears
has been relieved. That what he saw was fear but what was
seen was chaos. The man who met the man who met
Ozymandias as only he is known found balance between
the fear and chaos of his shattered country. Between fear and chaos
a statue stood one made of nothing.
The whole rainbow looks like
the rainbow there is love in the middle which balances itself on the
love that is found on either end. Your ability to love yourself and to
love your extremes is what leads to true love. You see love makes and
breaks; it is always absorbing and always learning. We are one being and
our heart pumps blood to our brain and to our toes. Love is everything when anything is nothing. Anything being a state where love could be nothing, everything, love, hate, passion, lust, fear any entity in the universe. If anything is contained to be nothing love is love hate is hate, and anything is nothing it doesn't change.... Love is everything when everything is correct.
"Ego is but the Lens we experience the World through. Some are clean but most are colored and clouded."
The rainbow can be seen such as this we walk to the future and what we want yet all paths lead to the same place Awen: The end of all rivers, the sea, the final place, our starting place, it is our home.
The seed of I
The very definition of I mean I cannot not know all of the non-sense
what matters perspective when its only shit to trot. Haha yes; I
agree good sir while we have fallen to the bottom at least we now walk.
Walk away from the shit, the falling, the hoping, the hate and the fear. No
cowards can walk.
What does it matter if we fall to hell or walk to heaven. This living
point somewhere between the way. Oh the catwalk of a show we call Life.
Characters are born into their roles, and die to leave offstage. Up and
down back and forth why not just live in the Now!